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"Lost Secret of Immortality" For thousands of years, science and religion have searched for the key to enlightenment. Killing the Buddha uncovers the sacred knowledge of the Philosopher’s Stone and guides viewers to the mysterious Kundalini – the original enlightened energy of the body. Filmed in China and Tibet, this revolutionary film reveals the secret of practicing sexual yoga to achieve tantric enlightenment. Visit www.killingthebuddhamovie.com for more information about the motion comic and movie.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Breathe right to increase energy

One of the benefits of learning Tai Chi Chuan is increased energy and while learning the art can take months or even years to learn, the effects of learning to breathe correctly can dramatically improve one’s health, in some cases in the very first class.

It is common in so called civilized societies to adapt the habit of chest breathing in adulthood but the jury is still out as to why. Different theories exist, including stress and tension, or for appearance purposes (to have a flat stomach). In any case, chest breathing utilizes only a small fraction of lung space, while breathing correctly not only provides the body with more oxygen, it also provides stimulation to one’s internal organs because the diaphragm muscle gently massages them with each breath.

Relearning to breathe

The diaphragm muscle which lies below the lungs is responsible for moving air in and out of the lungs and it moves vertically. By watching a baby breathe, one can see that their stomachs rise and fall with each breath and this is why in Tai Chi and other martial arts, abdominal breathing is referred to as infant breathing.

Learning or rather, relearning to breathe correctly doesn’t require a formal class; all it requires is practice. In fact, it is customary for Tai Chi instructors to explain correct breathing and to instruct their pupils to practice anytime they think of it so that, over time, correct breathing will become automatic or in other words; one will eventually do it without having to think about it.

Easy practice

Set aside a couple of times each day for concentrated practice and add other times whenever it comes to mind. For example, while lying in bed before falling asleep, place both hands on the lower abdomen, one atop the other, and count ten long, full breathes, feeling the rise and fall of the lower abdomen with each one. Do the same upon rising in the morning, before climbing out of bed.

Mix in other times too; while sitting idly, while driving or riding to work, and any other time it comes to mind. Within two weeks or so, correct breathing will be relearned and will be done without conscious thought. Most people, who relearn to breathe, find an immediate increase in energy simply because of increased oxygen intake and if continued long term, they often gain increased vitality due to renewed energy derived from improved organ function.

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